
Transportation & Infrastructure

Core6 Environmental has become a trusted advisor to some of the province’s biggest transportation and infrastructure projects and clients. Our experience spans multiple forms of transportation including ports and marine environments, rail and linear networks, airports, and road development.

Port & Marine

Our team has led and managed large multi-disciplinary teams and projects to implement monitoring programs, contaminated site investigation work, and provide risk assessment services at ports and for marine infrastructure development.

Rail & Linear Networks

Core6 Environmental understands the environmental issues surrounding linear infrastructure and their provincial and federal regulatory implications. This deep understanding allows us to carefully craft solutions that reduce time and cost and successfully meet project goals.


Core6 Environmental has extensive experience providing detailed strategies and technical support on the management of contamination to support road construction and alignment. This has included risk ranking of potentially contaminated properties, investigation and remediation, and soil and water management during construction. Working with neighbouring Indigenous communities, Government, and General Contractor clients, our expertise has encompassed regulatory support and permitting, contract management, technical review and evaluation, and environmental closure.


Our senior team has provided expert advice and consulting services to airline operations at airports throughout North America. Core6 Environmental is frequently engaged to provide contaminated sites investigation, remediation, hydrogeological services, and construction monitoring and management at airports throughout BC to support capital projects, sustainability initiatives, and leasing agreements.

Transportation & Infrastructure Sector Case Studies

Environmental Support for Heber River Dam Removal
Evergreen Line Tunnel Boring