Core6 Environmental worked with a team of experts across various disciplines to assist Spectra Energy and their partner, BG Group, with the evaluation of potential human and environmental impacts associated with the construction of a Liquefied Natural Gas pipeline in Northern BC. The pipeline if constructed, was to extend 850 kilometers from Cypress in northeastern BC to BG Group’s proposed terminal at Ridley Island near Prince Rupert and would provide a capacity of up to 4.2 billion cubic feet per day.

The project was subject to a comprehensive Environmental Assessment being led by the BC Environmental Assessment Office. As such, a number of preliminary pipeline routes were considered with consideration to potentially affected stakeholders, aboriginal and local communities, as well as environmental organizations and regulatory agencies.

Core6 Environmental completed two Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) studies – one for the Alice Arm segment and another for the approach to land at Ridley Island. The HHRAs represented highly complex and challenging sites requiring remote marine field work in both deep open water and intertidal areas. A broad range of contaminants associated with historical mine and pulp mill waste were considered through bioaccumulation studies and complete ecological food-chain modelling to address country food exposures for recreational and subsistence consumers in the region including among others, First Nations. The work was completed with consideration to provincial BCENV, BC First Nation Health Authority, and federal Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment and Health Canada recommendations and guidance.

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