
Expert & Legal Review

Renowned for our industry knowledge, experience and technical ability, Core6 Environmental senior staff are frequently engaged to provide expert reviews, consulting services, and witness testimony for a wide array of clientele.

Contaminated Sites Approved Professionals & Technical Reviewers

Core6 Environmental has a team of recognized experts in the industry including four BC Contaminated Sites Approved Professionals (CSAPs) – two standards assessors and two risk assessment specialists. Our CSAPs sit on many committees, boards and panels. Our CSAPs are often engaged by other consulting firms to provide senior direction as well as regulatory submission support. Our expertise is also recognized outside of the province, as we have seven approved technical reviewers for the Yukon Government for hydrogeological assessment, site assessment, and risk assessment.

Legal Experts

Core6 Environmental is regularly engaged by law firms to provide expert file reviews, opinions, and legal testimony. Specifically, Core6 Environmental has been called upon when hydrogeological conditions have been misinterpreted, and contamination has migrated to neighbouring properties and responsibility has to be confirmed. We have provided written opinions and court testimony that has supported cost recovery actions and environmental appeal board decisions.

Sector Case Studies